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Copyright© 2017 Wm. C. Lobe. All Rights Reserved.
Dreamscape Voyager is a love story. It begins when a man, for the first time in his life, experiences a vivid dream. Unlike a regular dream, this dream experience had all of the images, ideas, and sensations of conscious life itself, but more colorful, surrealistic, and full of intense emotions and action. And, unlike a lucid dream, by definition, he did not know he was dreaming, having no control over events, some of which did not adhere to the established laws of physics and sound reasoning.
A series of vivid dreams ensued over time, most of which were unrelated to each other, but all having a sense of excitement and adventure not present in his conscious everyday life. Eventually, he became obsessed with existing in this alternate state of reality and looked forward with anticipation to falling asleep and going there again and again even though it would most often be uncertain and frightening. It was there that he met the girl of his dreams.
In an abstract sense, he equated conscious life to dream state as having one thing in common – awareness of self and surroundings. It is this awareness that people really fear losing in death. He also determined that all of the obstacles we encounter in conscious life that limit and even prohibit our activities and goals are not relevant in the dream state.
Being an educated and inquisitive individual, he conducted extensive research into dreams as well as evaluating professional psychology and physiology resources. He found that the dream state is an extremely complex subject which, only until recently, has received scientific and laboratory scrutiny. Having a medical background, he compiled a journal of the pertinent literature and formulated a scientific method to surgically extract, immediately following death, the neurological components of the lower brain and upper brainstem known as the reticular activating system (RAS), responsible for dream generation. His RAS would then be indefinitely sustained viably alive in a laboratory apparatus known as a bioreactor most recently developed to provide nutrients and oxygen necessary to grow replacement organs from stem cells for artificial transplant. One day, his journal would become recognized and preservation method of dream reality (or life after death) would come to be.
Wm. C. Lobe, Author